Wednesday, January 13, 2010

British Tourist Board When The British Tourist Board Said?

When the British tourist board said? - british tourist board

United Kingdom, you can get more for less, which means that you get more for less sun rain!


Scouse said...

With the condition of the £, I think it means more for their money. But I think the service is low, especially in my hometown, although it has improved almost beyond recognition in places.

As the rainfall have never trusted the British stations do for some time, for obvious reasons, and we are accustomed to unpredictable weather conditions.

I was in Sorrento in June last year and it was raining heavily. To the amusement of the British. were the only ones who have to continue doing what they were doing.
Once again I was in Yosemite National Park in heavy rain and again the British were the only ones who remained, the estimated time again that we are fully accustomed to unpredictable weather conditions. We have missed it when tornadoes, because as a nation do not understand the gravity of May, from what is generally a mild climate

AuldGitz BNP-NOT IN MY NAME! said...

Yes, and more aggro with less effort.

Angel said...

There is a tourist office in Scotland, the English and Wales is a tourism office in England?

CelticSa... said...

More aggro less effort, I think I'm lying.

Edit: LOL OMG Watch Over Me! Great minds and all that! It made me!

Tom2009 said...

This is not always raining.

jupitere... said...

Well, they were not telling a story is true.

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