Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pop Tropical What Would Cause A Tropical Aquarium Fish's Eye To Pop Out?

What would cause a tropical aquarium fish's eye to pop out? - pop tropical

Gourami fish is royal blue.


killingt... said...

This source is a record, but had a lot of fish from the pop-eye disease - I had a passionate Buenos Aires Tetra Albino too.

ßübblëš said...

This Is Pop-eye.

There are medications for it.


DiRtAlLt... said...

This is called the eyes out, and usually the result of a viral or bacterial infection. It is the same as a man who has a cold, sinuses fill with mucus, while the breast is filled by a fish (behind the eye) with liquid. Who will disappear in a few weeks, as the common cold.

Obamas a Muslim said...

The pop-eye disease is not caused by the consumption spinnach. It is relatively easy to recognize. Look for clouds in her eyes, with plump. The haze is remarkable, especially compared with other fish in the tank. With early detection can be stored pennicilin treated with drugs from your local fish. If this occours in ocular trauma and its probly do not need to be addressed. However, if both eyes are the most likely bacteria and can be treated or fish, or just blindly lose your eyes. Hope this helps.

Ferret Mom in MO said...

a kind of ick ... will take care some things from the Petstore to bacteria ... I have the names, but I know what it is ...

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